About Insulated Pool

Brookforge is a UK pool pioneer now having association with the leading Canadian manufacturer of Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) panels, resulting in the latest highly cost- effective and energy-efficient pool shell system known as the Quad-Lock Pool. This tried and tested method of insulation originated in Canadian housing in 1994 and has since evolved in both above and below ground application to become an integral part of the latest swimming pool construction.

3d_quadlock_small.jpgThe Quad-Lock Pool system helps prevent loss of heat energy due to it's unique method of building installation. As a result it is estimated that the energy saving efficiency can reduce pool heating bills by 50%.

Many pools in the past have needed additional costly insulation after construction but the Quad Lock Pool system means this will no longer be an ongoing concern.

Quad-lock is an ISO-certified ICF company which develops, manifactures and distributes its own patented ICF system proven tested product that is an integral part of the construction process. 

  • Quad-Lock Pool helps reduce your CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) footprint, making a significant impact on your swimming pool’s running costs.
  • Quad-Lock Pool is not a basic insulation layer applied to a swimming pool once the pool shell has been traditionally constructed.
  • Quad-Lock Pool forms an integral part of the swimming pool’s construction – it most definitely is not a costly addition!
  • Quad-Lock is a proven tested product, which has been used extensively for above and below ground applications since 1994.
  • Quad-Lock is an ISO-certified Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) company which develops, manufactures and distributes its own-patented ICF systems.